D (al2o3cr) wrote,

From Twitter 09-04-2009

  • 08:23:35: Excited to take Lilian to her first class at The Little Gym today (we signed up there, we liked it better than Gymboree.)
  • 10:40:56: Are you at work or at the beach?
  • 13:00:52: My wrist is angry at how much computer games I've played in the past 2 days. (Fucking carpal tunnel). But I'm all caught up... almost!
  • 17:10:04: Has a very riled-up hyper child right now! But she's still adorable. Can't wait for bedtime... for everyone. Tomorrow, go away 4 weekend!
  • 17:14:21: Thinks that somebody (specific) is an asshole. Seriously, a big f*&$ing asshole. :)
  • 18:01:12: @ali_konu I can assure you, Allyson, it's not you! :)
  • 19:11:34: Friday night = family Pizza night!
  • 20:18:46: Ready to go to sleep next to my babies! Lilian's asleep already and I'm sure to be next! So sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy! <3

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com


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