- 09:39:01: Taking Lily on a tour of the HERR factory today! Very excited! Yay!
- 14:36:49: http://twitpic.com/lf2wy - My little laundry helper!
- 14:37:28: http://twitpic.com/lf30f - Lilian at the Laundromat!
- 14:37:56: http://twitpic.com/lf32z - Hanging at the Laundromat!
- 16:38:03: http://twitpic.com/lfker - If you play FarmVille... you have to check this out!
- 17:49:39: @wendystarr When I saw that black bean taco commercial... my initial thought was "Holy crap, I want a black taco." I swear, ask Missy.
- 17:50:22: #FarmVille changed their "animal is ready to harvest" graphic. Instead of glowing pink, they have pink "candy corn" over their heads.Pretty!
- 20:16:12: @wendystarr I didn't try the Volcano taco... I am a big baby when it comes to spicy food. I hate food that HURTS! :)
- 20:16:55: Stressing, panicking, and flipping out. What else can go wrong?
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